The Jingu Jr. Club is a part of the Tokyo Ice Hockey Federation and participates in the Tokyo Junior Ice Hockey League. The club operates four teams: Grades K-3, 4-6, 7-9 (middle school), and 10-12 (high school), based on the Japanese school system. The league features teams such as the Seibu White Bears, Edogawa Armors, Higashi Yamato Jr., Citizen Jr., the Akishima Indians and the Mandai Beavers.

Currently the Jingu Jr. Club has over 60 players and one-third of the players are bi-cultural (with one Japanese parent) or from countries such as the U.S.A., Canada, Finland, Sweden and Russia.?

The Jingu Jr. Club has gained tremendous respect from the Japanese university community over the years. The Jingu Jr. Club has placed many players into Japanese university Div. 1 schools and a few Jingu Jr. Club graduates have played for the Japan National Hockey Program (U-18 and U-20) teams.


  • Elementary School "B": Grades K-3
    Elementary School "A": Grades 4-6
    Junior High School: Grades 7-9
    High School: Grades 10-12

<Coaching Staffs>
  • General Manager: TSUCHIYA, Toshihiko
    Senior Head Coach: NOMURA, Sou
    Head Coaches: TANABU, Hiroyuki (4-12)
    KIKUCHI, Takayuki(K-3)
    Coaches: TSUJIMOTO, Takuma
    KASUGA, Toshiyuki
    SAKAMOTO, Kenta
    KOSAKA, Yuya
    Team Secretary: SUZUKI, Masaru

<Major Activities>
  • Spring Camp April @ Karuizawa, Nagano or Others
    Tokyo Ice Hockey Junior Spring League May @ Higashi Fushimi, Tokyo
    Edogawa Cup Junior Ice Hockey Tournament May @ Edogawa, Tokyo
    Suntory Cup Ice Hockey Tournament July-August @ Higashi Fushimi, Tokyo
    Sendai Tanabata Junior Ice Hockey Tournament August @ Sendai, Miyagi
    Summer Camp August @ Karuizawa, Nagano or Hachinohe, Aomori
    Kose Junior Ice Hockey Tournament November @ Kose, Yamanashi
    Tokyo Ice Hockey Junior Autum League December @ Higashi Fushimi, Tokyo
    Kanto Junior Ice Hockey Tournament January @ Nikko, Tochigi
    Karuizawa Junior Ice Hockey Tournament Feburary @ Kawuizawa, Nagano <K-3 Only>
    Okaya Junior Ice Hockey Tournament March @ Okaya, Nagano

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